The Workstation Menu in the BeBop Desktop Client offers different ways to organize the display of workstations:

1. Headers

2. List as 

3. Filters

4. Tabs

To begin, log in using the BeBop Desktop Client. Choose your Org and Pod. 

The Workstations Menu shows all the workstations in your Pod. You now have the ability to view the workstation menu in different ways.

1. Headers 

Browse All: Displays a full list of all available workstations.

Favorites: Displays a list of assigned "Favorite" workstations. (see below)

Running: Workstations in green and ready for remoting into your session. 

Not Started: Workstations not used and available.

1a. How to add to Favorites

Click on the three dots. Choose "Add to Favorite".

The workstation will now appear under the "Favorites" Header. 

2. List as: 

Choose to list the workstations in a specified order. 

As an example, listing as "Running Time" will display workstations in order and sorted according to when they began and entered the Ready status.

3. Filters 

Views of Workstations may also be customized with Filters. Options are under the icon in the top right corner. 

*Make sure to select "Apply" once a selection is made. 

Workstation State

All: All Workstations

Not Started: Unused workstations ready for use.

Starting: Workstations in Blue and Starting

Started: Workstations Started and preparing for session.

Running: Workstations in Green and Ready for session

Stopping: Workstations in the Process of Stopping.

Additionally, lists may be filtered by workstation Users.

4. Tabs

Preset filters are available according to specific features in workstations. (ex. computer type, display protocols).


Nicknames may be assigned to workstations. This is only viewable and assigned per User. Rather than using the long computer name to identify a workstation, a nickname may be used such as "Edit 1" or "VFX 1."  

To add a Nickname, click on the three dots. 

Type in a nickname for the workstation. The nickname will appear under the computer name. 

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