• Step 1: Create a Bucket 

1. Go to Cloud Storage Console in Google Cloud Portal. https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser.   

Click on 'Create Bucket'.

2. Name the Bucket and click on 'Continue'.

3.  Select the desired region settings for the bucket and click 'Continue'.

4. Select the storage class as 'Standard' and click on 'Continue'.

5. Select Access Control to be 'Uniform' and click on 'Continue'.

6. Click on 'Create' to create the Bucket.

  • Step 2: Create a Service Account

1. Go to the Service Accounts Console in Google Cloud Portal


2. Click on 'Create Service Account'.

3. Enter 'Service Account Name' and 'Service Account Description'. Click on 'Create and Continue' then Click on 'Done'.

4. Check 'Service Account Details'. 

5. Write down the full name of the Service Account created, it will be needed to add Bucket permissions.

Select the Service Account that was just created.

6. Select the 'Keys' tab, 'Add  Key' and then 'Create new key'.

7. In the pop-up Create Private key window, select the key type as 'JSON' and click 'Create'.

8. This will download the Key as a JSON file.

** Please keep it in a secure location as it will be needed to configure the MCP to access the Bucket.

  • Step 3: Grant permissions for the Service Account to the GCP Bucket.

1. Go to the Google Cloud Storage Console and select the bucket create earlier. Under 'Permissions' tab, click 'Add'.

2. On the sliding window, enter the Service Account Name created earlier (Step 2.5), and Select Role as 'Cloud Storage → Storage Admin'. Then Save. 

  • Step 4: Add the Credentials downloaded in the MCP.

To configure the MCP to access the Bucket:

1. Login to the MCP.

2. Click on 'Credentials' on the left side bar 

3. Click on 'Add Credentials' on the right side.

4. Enter the Name for the Credential. Select 'Google' as the Cloud provider.

5. Enter the Private Key (Contents from JSON file above. Step 2.8).

6. Enter Project ID and Client Email.

7. Verify the bucket.

8. Save by clicking on blue 'Update Profile'.

Now you can add this to projects and setup Rocket Sync.


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