If you are experiencing a problem on the BeBop platform please create a screen recording to submit to Support.  Below are the instructions to setup OBS Studio and do a screen capture.  If you want to record both monitors additional instructions are located in steps 17 -  23.

1.  On the desktop you will see the shortcut to load "OBS Studio."  Double click the shortcut to open the program.

2.  If this is your first time loading OBS Studio you will be asked to use the "Auto-Configuration Wizard."  Click the "No" button.

3.  Check your audio devices.  By default, OBS Studio is set to capture your system default desktop audio device and microphone. You can verify this by looking at the volume meters(a) in the mixer section of the main OBS Studio window.  You can adjust the recorded volume with the slider (b).  You should set it to about half way.  If they aren't moving, or you suspect the wrong device is being captured, click on Settings -> Audio and select the devices manually.

4.  Next, you'll see that the preview is a black screen. OBS does not capture any video by default. To get started capturing, you need to add a Source. At the bottom of the window is a box called 'Sources'. Click on the + (or right click inside the box) and pick the source you want. Select the "Display Capture" setting.  

5.  Name the source "BeBop Single Screen" and click OK. Then select OK again on the Properties for 'BeBop Single Screen.'

6.  If you have two monitors select the monitor that you would like to record (a) then select "Ok" (b).  If you only have one monitor just select "Ok" (b).
    (NOTE:  If you need to record both screens please follow the instructions all the way to the end.)

7.  If you see the diagonal grey lines on the Display resize the capture to match your display settings by right clicking on the preview window and selecting "Resize output (source size)" and then selecting "Yes"

8.  Next select the destination to save your screen recordings by selecting the "Settings" button.

9.  Select the "Output" option (a) and then select the "Browse" button to set the storage location.

10. Select the "This PC" option on the quick access menu (a) and then select your shared storage drive (b).

11.  Create a new folder titled "OBS_RECORDINGS" and then click "Select Folder."

12. Select "Apply" and then "Ok"

13.  When ready select the "Start Recording" button and then go through the steps to replicate the problem.  

14.  Remember to show proper optimizations before playback (showing location of Media Cache or other settings addressed in our support articles).  

15.  After walking through the steps to showcase the problem select the "Stop Recording" button.  

16.  Your recording will be added to the designated folder with a timestamp.  Add a short description to the filename or add your initials.  If the file is under 20MB you can attach it directly to your Support Ticket.  If it is more than 20MB please list the location and filename in the support ticket.  

17.  If you need to record both monitors follow these steps.  First you will select the (+) sign in the source panel (1).  Then select Display Capture (2)

18.  Create a new source called "BeBop Second Screen."

19.  When the Properties window loads select the dropdown menu for "Display."  Select "Display 2."  Note the dimension sizes of the monitors that you will be adding.  You are going to have to math this a little bit.  Select "OK."

20.  Select the "Settings Button on the right hand side of the screen.

21.  Select the "Video" button (1) and then change the "Base (Canvas) Resolution" to the width of BOTH of your monitors dimensions that you noted in step 19.

22.  Your canvas should now be much wider and you will see your second monitor sitting on top of your first.  

23.  Drag your second screen into the blank canvas area.  

24.  You are now ready to record both monitors.

For any questions or problems, please create a ticket on the BeBop Helpdesk.

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